Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr <p style="text-align: justify;">Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research (JUJBR) is a bi-annual journal (published in June and December) of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU), Jahangirnagar University. This Journal is purely academic and published in English only. The Journal contains research-based articles on topics related to business, entrepreneurship, economics, trade, commerce, industry and relevant areas. JUJBR is further devoted to bridge the gap between theories and practices. The mission of JUJBR is to present the contemporary research and development work in functional and other support areas of business. The journal is published by the Editor, JUJBR, Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU), Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.</p> en-US <p>©2018 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research. All rights reserved. However, permission is granted to quote from any article of the journal, to photocopy any part or full of an article for education and/or research purpose to individuals, institutions, and libraries with an appropriate citation in the reference and/or customary acknowledgement of the journal.</p> ireen@juniv.edu (Professor Ireen Akhter) raihan.sharif@juniv.edu (Raihan Sharif) Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 What makes someone want to buy something online? A PLS-SEM approach: evidence from Bangladesh https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/58 <p>This study investigates the determinants of consumers' online purchase intention, utilizing elements from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, with income as a moderator. Data was acquired by handing out questionnaires to 522 Bangladeshi internet users and analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0 software with structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings show that behavioral intention is significantly predicted by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions with income significantly moderating these relationships. The findings have practical relevance for online retailers to enhance strategies based on these findings. By examining specific elements within the UTAUT framework in the context of online purchase intention in Bangladesh, this study adds to the body of current material. It also tackles the dearth of studies on the moderating influence of income in the UTAUT model, providing insightful information for governments and online merchants alike regarding the behavior of consumers.</p> Md. Rafiqul Islam, Dr. A.N.M. Asaduzzaman Fakir Copyright (c) 2025 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/58 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600 The Impact of Digital Leadership Dynamic Capabilities on Driving Digital Transformation and Innovation: The Moderating Role of Task Complexity https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/62 <p><em>In the wave of digitalization, information technology (IT) sectors are playing a crucial role for thriving digital transformation capabilities (DTC) and innovation, where digital leaders serve as the epitome of success. This study aims to explore the dynamic role of digital leadership (DL) in driving digital innovation (DI) while analyzing the mediating effects of DTC and the moderating role of task complexities (TC). To perform this study, data were collected from 403 respondents from IT personnel in Bangladesh through convenient sampling methods, and the analysis was performed employing SPSS 23 and AMOS 24 software packages. The results of the test proved that DL has a substantial positive effect on DTC and innovation, where DTC was found to partially mediate between DL and innovation. While TC has a significant moderation effect on the interlink between DL and DI. The study's findings shed light on some implications, highlighting how the dynamics of DL can foster a digital environment that is conducive to innovation. Additionally, to cope with TC, DL needs to embrace an adaptive, malleable strategy to manage innovation effectively. To achieve organizational success, DL guides their teams as well as ensures that the required digital infrastructure and capabilities are favorable for innovation. This study is grounded in the DCV and RBV theories, findings factors might be crucial for IT organization management, policymakers, and relevant authorities for maintaining stable organizational performance and gaining competitive advantages.</em></p> Md. Alamgir Mollah Copyright (c) 2025 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/62 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600 The Role of Smart Tourism Cities (STCs) on Tourists' Destination Loyalty (TDL): Evidence from World's Largest Sea Beach Destination (Cox's Bazar) https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/68 <p>This research identified dimensions of smart tourism cities (STCs) and measured their impact on developing tourists' loyalty towards a specific location. This study employed a descriptive research methodology, utilizing quantitative approaches to find out the components of STCs and their impact on tourists' destination loyalty (TDLs). The convenience sampling method has been employed to gather data from 300 individuals. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using smart PLS 4 with the SEM application. The results indicate that four components, including smart tourist applications (apps), smart accommodations, innovative governance, and intelligent people (service providers), positively influence the TDL. Tourists emphasize tourist apps, advanced amenities like VR technology, live streaming, tourist-friendly destination management, and efficient and skilled workers to develop loyalty towards a smart tourism city. This study attempt can potentially motivate stakeholders in the tourism industry, particularly hotel owners, transportation owners, government officials, and other relevant parties, to develop a smart and sustainable tourist city. Moreover, the results could assist policymakers in identifying the specific aspects of STCs that are most impactful in fostering loyalty among tourists. This study exclusively focused on Cox's Bazar as a prospective smart tourist destination. Therefore, future studies should consider other destinations from various locations to achieve comprehensive knowledge. This study describes every possible dimension of STCs and correlates each dimension with tourist loyalty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Md Al Amin Copyright (c) 2025 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/68 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600 Bangladesh and the Blue Economy: Its Feasibility, Prospects, Challenges and Solutions https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/70 <p>Blue Economy as a concept has gone from being a buzzword addressing ambitions for incentivizing the oceans and marine resources, to being implemented into policies and being a key priority of nations worldwide. The prerequisite for which is sustainable use of the oceans while maintaining environmental integrity. Most coastal countries are naturally in a favorable position to take full advantage of their marine resources within their jurisdiction of EEZs. Bangladesh, a country with a coastline of 710 kilometers, its allotted 200 nautical miles, and rights over the continental shelf area of 1,83,613 square kilometers, is at an advantage for proliferating its blue economic endeavors. The sole purpose of this paper was to generate objective and straightforward solutions based on prospects and challenges of the blue economy, exclusively from the lens of Bangladesh, which includes its abundant marine life, its richness in precious metals and minerals, untapped offshore oil/gas reserves, marine-derived pharmaceuticals, the promising tourism sector and much more. The paper integrated substantial data from various existing literature exclusive to the oceans/blue economy. The data derived from the previous researches were then integrated into the paper to discuss the blue economic prospects for Bangladesh, and how ambitious the country can realistically become. The prospects were then followed by addressing key existing challenges the country needs to tackle to further expand its oceans economy sectors. Finally, the paper reaches its zenith of sharing its set of recommendations Bangladesh may integrate as national policies for public-private economic collaborations, strengthening bilateral and multilateral agreements between key investor/friendly nations, reaching objective solutions, focusing primarily on emboldening the blue economy sectors of Bangladesh.</p> Mostakim Bin Motaher, Md. Farhan Intisher Khaled Copyright (c) 2025 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/70 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600 Comparative Performance of Bangladeshi Mutual Funds During Covid-19 and Non-Covid-19 Periods: An Empirical Analysis of Risk and Risk-Adjusted Returns https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/72 <p>This investigation intends to compare the performance of Bangladeshi mutual funds between Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 periods. This study utilizes monthly data of twenty-seven mutual funds from January 2016 to December 2023 and performs both univariate (paired samples t-test) and multivariate panel data analysis methods. The 12-months rolling-window technique is utilized to measure the risk parameters (beta and standard deviation) and risk-adjusted return parameters (Treynor and Sharpe ratios) which are used as the proxy of the performance measures. The Hausman test and Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier test confirm that the random effect model is appropriate for the study. The result of the paired samples t-test indicates that the Covid-19 period exhibits statistically significantly higher risk and risk-adjusted returns than that of the non-Covid-19 period except for the Treynor ratio. Consequently, the results of the multivariate analysis show that the Covid-19 epidemic appears to have a statistically significant impact on risk and risk-adjusted performance metrics of mutual funds, with the exception of the Treynor ratio where effects of macroeconomic variables are controlled. These findings indicate that during the Covid-19 epidemic, mutual fund performance improved remarkably. This research helps mutual fund managers and investors understand performance shifts during Covid-19 and offers policymakers insights into how macroeconomic factors influenced mutual fund performance during economic disruptions. In addition, this empirical evidence extends the existing literature by highlighting the resilience of Bangladeshi mutual funds during the global turmoil.</p> <p><em>Covid-19, Mutual Funds, Performance, Risk-Adjusted Return, T-test, Risk, Bangladesh, Panel Data. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Shaikh Masrick Hasan Copyright (c) 2025 Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research https://jujbr.iba.juniv.edu/jujbr/article/view/72 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0600